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2012 Club Tournament planning : 2012年度クラブ大会の企画

by David on 2012-02-20 (Mon) 9:17AM


This year's club tournament will (probably) be held on one day in April/May's Golden Week holiday period. Golden week dates are as follows: April 28th (Sat), 29th (Sun), 30th (Mon) and then May 3rd (Thu), 4th (Fri), 5th (Sat), 6th (Sun). Planning to go bigger and better than last year, so please with the brainstorming (and the best dates) in the comments section ↓↓↓↓↓

Steve: Sunday 29th or Sunday 6th.


David   2012-02-20 (Mon) 9:27AM
I'm planning a similar arrangement of games: 3 x 2hour games @ 1600 points, with bonus vote points available. I think we can fairly easily get at least 10 players from the local area, and maybe more from further away too?


TROPHIES: In addition to the 1st place trophy, how about a comedy version (snotlings/zombies?) for last place, and also participation plaques for all players? Got a good idea for that one...


TICKETS: How about having a small (500?1000?) 'ticket' in advance? I'm quite keen to do this, mainly to get an accurate head-count of committed players in advance. Any money would go towards the trophies (and lunch?), and any left over go back to the players? We can also advertise further afield by selling tickets on Ringtail's online store.


Vlad   2012-02-20 (Mon) 20:16PM
Sounds interesting. Twelve players means six tables - would the tournament be held at your place? Also, what are bonus vote points?

Money upfront is definitively something I'd recommend, speaking from experience.

David   2012-02-20 (Mon) 20:43PM
Yes, same as last year. We had 6 tables around the house last year, and we could squeeze in 2 more if we needed to. What I wanted to do last year (and will this year if possible) is have 6 tables outside.

Bonus points - each player is given one vote to name their favourite opponent of the day. Reasons can be anything - clever strategy, fun to play, enthusiasm, best painted etc etc. Then we compile the votes; 1 vote for you gets you 1 bonus point, 2 votes get you 3 points, 3 votes get you 5 points. Last year's rules are in the News section.

Stephen   2012-02-21 (Tue) 23:42PM
I will try to make it this year. Will dates by midmarch be okay?

David   2012-02-22 (Wed) 9:30AM
Cool. Yep, mid-March is fine. I reckon that would make a good deadline to decide the date too, as we only have 3 club events after that at most.

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