九州大会2012年 レポート : Tournament Report 2012
by David on 2012-05-11 (Fri) 9:35AM2012年4月29日に「第2 九州ウォーハンマー大会」を行ないました。今年は10人の参加者も集めましたので、一日で15回ゲームをやりました。手作りの優秀トロフィ、最下位トロフィとプレイヤー全員に参加者シールを作成しました。
For our second annual Warhammer tournament, renamed the "Kyushu Tournament" this year, we managed to gather 10 keen hobbyists ready to fight 3 battles in a single day, across a variety of challenging game boards. The winner would receive a custom-made trophy, and this year also featured a comedy-version 'Last Place' trophy.
前の夜から「別府組」4人が泊まりました。「ロック・ユー」のビデオを見ながら、翌日の大会とアーミーの事を話しましたので、そのあと皆さんはなかなか寝れなかったでしょうか?ただし、ナガイさんの熱心はすばらしかった - 寝る前にブレトニアのモデルを一所懸命ペイントしていたが、翌日僕が起きたときも彼はペイントしていました。もしかして、寝ていない?!
The Beppu players had arrived the previous night, and followed by a quick watch of "Knight's Tale" (Heath Ledger jousting) to set the mood, the talk turned to the coming tournament. Nagai-san, who claims not to sleep much anyway, sat himself down and started painting his massive units of Bretonnian knights. Next morning, he was still painting! Does the guy even sleep?!
THE PLAYERS : 参加者のアーミー
Abe-san 阿部さん |
Wood Elves ウッドエルフ |
Baba-san 馬場さん |
Skaven スケイブン |
Hoshioka-san 星岡さん |
Skaven スケイブン |
Miyao-san 宮尾さん |
Vampire Counts ヴァンパイア |
Nagai-san ながいさん |
Bretonnia ブレトニア |
Nathan ネイサンさん |
Vampire Counts ヴァンパイア |
Steve スティーヴさん |
Daemons デーモン |
Vlad ヴラダさん |
High Elves ハイエルフ |
Yas やすさん |
Orcs & Goblins オーク&ゴブリン |
Yasutake-san やすたけさん |
High Elves ハイエルフ |
THE TABLES : ゲームボード
天気情報は結構良かったので、大会を外でしました。別府組のお陰でスムーズにボード配置を出来ました。ありがとう、みんな!一日中天気は良かったが、風はちょっと強かった - 何回も町ボードの屋根があっちこっち飛んでしまった!
The sun was shining, so we took a bit of a gamble and set up the seven gaming tables outside in the garden. The weather stayed fine for the whole day, except for the annoying gusts of wind which occasionally made the roofs of the Bogenhafen town board fly off the table. Thank goodness for blu-tak, eh?
左から : From left, the boards are:
- Border Princes ボーダー・プリンス未開地 (Blood and Glory : 流血と栄光)
- Troll Country トロール郷 (Pitched Battle plus trolls! : 正面決戦)
- The Moot ムートへようこそ (River of Death : 死の川)
- Return to Bogenhafen ボーゲンホフェン町 (Dawn Attack : 暁の進軍)
- Khemrian Oasis クェムリのオアシス (Meeting Engagement : 接近遭遇)
- Grim Wood Crossing グリム森の渡河点 (Watchtower : 見張り塔)
- Peak Pass ピーク山道 (Battle for the Pass : 峠道の戦い)
ROUND 1 : 第1ゲーム
- Border Princes ボーダー・プリンス未開地 (Blood and Glory : 流血と栄光) HOSHIOKA x NATHAN
- Troll Country トロール郷 (Pitched Battle plus trolls! : 正面決戦) YAS x STEVE
- Return to Bogenhafen ボーゲンホフェン町 (Dawn Attack : 暁の進軍) VLAD x BABA
- Grim Wood Crossing グリム森の渡河点 (Watchtower : 見張り塔) ABE x MIYAO
- Peak Pass ピーク山道 (Battle for the Pass : 峠道の戦い) YASUTAKE x NAGAI
Border Princes ボーダー・プリンス未開地 (Blood and Glory : 流血と栄光) HOSHIOKA x NATHAN
This was Hoshioka's first ever game of Warhammer! All going smoothly, until his army tray tipped over before the game - he had a massive 190 models to setup!
Troll Country トロール郷 (Pitched Battle plus trolls! : 正面決戦) YAS x STEVE
Random trolls amble on to this desolate board throughout the game, and Steve was unlucky enough to get charged in the back by one of the first turn (it even passed its Stupidity test on a 4!).
Return to Bogenhafen ボーゲンホフェン町 (Dawn Attack : 暁の進軍) VLAD x BABA
Vlad had said before the tournament started that the one table he really didn't want was the town table. So, naturally, that's what we rolled for his first game! Not only do the multitude of buildings make lines of sight hard, but because of the Dawn Attack scenario rules, your units might start the game in completely the wrong place. You really have to think on your feet for this one!
Peak Pass ピーク山道 (Battle for the Pass : 峠道の戦い) YASUTAKE x NAGAI
This scenario plays lengthways down the table, and Nagai-san's knights had a tough time charging through the snow, it seems.
Grim Wood Crossing グリム森の渡河点 (Watchtower : 見張り塔) ABE x MIYAO
In the final turn of this game, I was amused to find the watchtower objective completely empty, but surrounded by 4 opposing units. Abe-san's dryads were closer by half an inch, so he got the victory!
ROUND 2 : 第2ゲーム
- Border Princes ボーダー・プリンス未開地 (Blood and Glory : 流血と栄光) BABA x MIYAO
- Troll Country トロール郷 (Pitched Battle plus trolls! : 正面決戦) NATHAN x VLAD
- The Moot ムートへようこそ (River of Death : 死の川) YAS x YASUTAKE
- Khemrian Oasis クェムリのオアシス (Meeting Engagement : 接近遭遇) ABE x NAGAI
- Grim Wood Crossing グリム森の渡河点 (Watchtower : 見張り塔) STEVE x HOSHIOKA
The Moot ムートへようこそ (River of Death : 死の川) YAS x YASUTAKE
Didn't take many photos of Round 2 games, but I thought this was a funny shot. Poor old hobbits - all they want is to be left in peace, and some daft elves setup for battle on their roof!
ROUND 3 : 第3ゲーム
- Border Princes ボーダー・プリンス未開地 (Blood and Glory : 流血と栄光) VLAD x STEVE
- The Moot ムートへようこそ (River of Death : 死の川) MIYAO X NATHAN
- Return to Bogenhafen ボーゲンホフェン町 (Dawn Attack : 暁の進軍) HOSHIOKA x YASUTAKE
- Khemrian Oasis クェムリのオアシス (Meeting Engagement : 接近遭遇) YAS x NAGAI
- Peak Pass ピーク山道 (Battle for the Pass : 峠道の戦い) BABA x ABE
Peak Pass ピーク山道 (Battle for the Pass : 峠道の戦い) BABA x ABE
Things didn't look good for Abe-san's Wood Elves as they were swamped by endless hordes of rats. His giant treeman managed to stem the tide somewhat, but Baba-san's Hellpit Abomination rampaged through the other flank. Adding up the victory points, Abe-san was surprised to find he'd won ... by only 130 points!
How the heck would you stop these guys?!
Khemrian Oasis クェムリのオアシス (Meeting Engagement : 接近遭遇) YAS x NAGAI
Another extremely close game, with Yas pulling off a win by only 160 victory points. If you're wondering why he's laughing, it's probably his snotling pump wagon. Those plucky little guys managed to get a charge on the Bretonnian knights, even killing one, and holding them up for a turn or so!
The Moot ムートへようこそ (River of Death : 死の川) MIYAO X NATHAN
Poor little hobbits were having a bad day. This time, two undead forces invaded their farmland and decided to annihilate one another for the river's two crossing points. This game was the only clear victory in the final round, with Miyao-san's vampires wiping out Nathan's vampire force in only a few turns. Ouch!
Return to Bogenhafen ボーゲンホフェン町 (Dawn Attack : 暁の進軍) HOSHIOKA x YASUTAKE
RESULTS : 大会結果
So after 15 frantic games (about half of which came down to only a few hundred victory point differences), we had a clear winner. Yas-san managed to win all three of his games, and even got a bonus point for super sportsmanship!
Congratulations, YAS!!
Winner - YASさん
Orcs & Goblins
First Place Trophy
星岡さんは最下位になりましたが、ウォーハンマーデビューでしたのでありがたいですね。スケイブンのウォーマシンは大変ですね 。。。 今日は8回ミスファイヤもありました!!!
Special mention must go to Hoshioka-san, who was not only brave enough to take part in a tournament for his first ever warhammer game (and against English-speakers!), but also had to put up with his warp-lightning cannons misfiring 8 times!! If anyone deserves a trophy of his general having been stabbed in the back multiple times, it's Hoshioka-san!
Last Place - HOSHIOKAさん
Last Place Trophy
Thanks everyone, for coming along and taking part! Look forward to seeing you next year!
BABA 2012-04-30 (Mon) 18:18PM


Hoshioka 2012-04-30 (Mon) 19:16PM


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