Kyushu Tournament 2013 : 九州大会 4月28日
by David on 2013-04-14 (Sun) 16:13PM
Welcome to KitaQGamers Kyushu Tournament 2013 - Sunday 28th April
3 games of Warhammer Fantasy battle over one day, with a single 1600 point army list.
2013年度参加者パック / Player Pack >> (PDF: 253KB)
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2012 Winner's Trophy |
2012 Participant's Seal |
2012 Last Place Award |
All of the regular rulebook scenarios will be used in these games, with one special river scenario. Boards and terrain will be extravagantly tailored to match the setting and background, so it should be a great trip around the Warhammer World!
- Troll Country トロール郷 (pitched battle / 正面対策)
- Stirland in Summer スターランドの夏 (dawn attack / 暁の進軍)
- Marshes of Madness 狂気の沼地 (battle for the pass / 峠道の戦い)
- Grim Wood Falls グリム森の滝 (blood and glory / 流血と栄光)
- On Norscan Shores ノルスカの海岸 (meeting engagement / 接近遭遇)
- Fight for Ferlangen ファーランゲン町の戦闘 (watchtower / 見張り塔をめぐって)
- Enter not Athel Loren 禁断のアセルロレン森林 (river of death / 川シナリオ)
Game Results ゲームの結果:
Tournament winner will be decided by 75% results, 25% composition, plus bonus points for sportsmanship.
- Win 勝利: 3 points
- Draw 引き分け: 1 point
- Lose 負け: 0 points
Composition アーミーリストのバランス:
Normal army composition (Lords < 400 pts, Heroes < 400 pts, Core > 400 pts, Special < 800 pts with 3 repeats, Rare < 400 pts with 2 repeats, no special characters please). The aim here is to make an army that you would enjoy playing against. I'll be asking for army lists beforehand and suggesting a 'composition level' for each - but I'll be conferring with other players on the day for final decisions.
- Soft army ソフト : 3 points
- Medium army ミディアム: 2 points
- Hard army ハード: 1 point
Sportsmanship ボーナスポイント:
As a final bonus, each player will secretly vote on their favourite army of their 3 games. This is entirely up to you, and could be awarded for painting quality, character of the army, effectiveness on the tabletop, or how nice your opponent was. The votes will be compiled at the end.
- 1 vote (投票): 1 point
- 2 votes: 3 points
- 3 votes: 5 points
Example 例:
If a player were to win two games and lose one, using a 'medium' level army, and was voted by one opponent as their favourite, we would get:
- 3 + 3 + 0, + 2, + 1 = 合計 9 total
Our target is 14 players, but we can accommodate up to 16 if required. Entry on a first-come, first-served basis. Please contact us to enter your name. All players will receive a Tournament plaque, with trophies for first and last place.
We are asking that players put 1000 yen forward on the day. These participants fees will be pooled together for trophy costs and lunch/drinks on the day. Please arrange your 'tickets' in cash from David on the Sunday.
今年は予約の「参加者チケット」を利用します。デイビッドから購入してください。チケットの1000円はすべて大会の為に使います - トロフィ、プレゼントと大会日の昼ごはんと飲み物。お願いします。
Player list so far / 現在の参加者 12: David, Vlad, Hoshiokaさん, Nagaiさん, Yasさん, Babaさん, Miyaoさん, Yasutakeさん, Mikeさん, Abeさん, Ichikawaさん, Nathan.......
2012 Tournament Participants
2011's themed scenarios and tables
- 2012 Tournament Event Report >>
- 2012年度大会のイベントリポート >>
- 大分修槌会の2012年度参加者ブログ >>
- リングテイルの宮尾さんが書いた2012年度参加者ブログ >>
- 2011 Tournament Event Report >>
- 2011年度大会のイベントリポート >>
- リングテイルの宮尾さんが書いた2011年度参加者ブログ >>
Comment on schedules, scenarios, points, anything, please.....
スケジュール・シナリオ・ポイント計算などについて、コメントして下さいね ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
Q. How do people feel about a painting bonus point (1 point) available for fully painted armies (painted to a minimum 3 colours and based etc)?
Vlad 2013-03-06 (Wed) 18:42PM


Mike 2013-04-15 (Mon) 13:39PM

Type of terrain 2013-04-23 (Tue) 8:57AM

David 2013-04-23 (Tue) 9:35AM

Yes, all the important terrain pieces have handy (bilingual) reference cards on them, with brief rules; fences, walls, rivers, forests, buildings etc. Plus all the more specialised terrain such as wizard's towers, swamps, watchtowers etc. It's all designed to remove confusion and keep games running fast.
Mind you, last year as I was walking around taking snaps, I found that Vlad's high elves were happily strolling around on top of lava pools! It was intended to be impassable (being rather hot), but they'd played it as difficult! Crikey, good shoes, those elven leather moccasins!

Mike 2013-04-23 (Tue) 9:59AM

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