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九州大会2013年 レポート : Tournament Report 2013

by David on 2013-04-30 (Tue) 13:41PM

The night before the tournament saw an invasion from Oita, with 6 gamers joining me for dinner (sushi), all-night painting, gaming and a video (Shaun of the Dead!). After 3-4 hours of sleep, it was an early wake-up to assemble the final two tables - giving us a total of 7 themed tables for the 3rd annual Kyushu Warhammer Tournament. We had two new Warhammer players attending this year, who more than made up for things with nasty magic item combos and too many hydras!! :)




THE PLAYERS : 参加者のアーミー


Dark Elves
Vampire Counts
High Elves


THE TABLES : ゲームボード

  1. Troll Country トロール郷    (pitched battle / 正面対策)
  2. Stirland in Summer スターランドの夏    (dawn attack / 暁の進軍)
  3. Marshes of Madness 狂気の沼地    (battle for the pass / 峠道の戦い)
  4. Grim Wood Falls グリム森の滝    (blood and glory / 流血と栄光)
  5. On Norscan Shores ノルスカの海岸    (meeting engagement / 接近遭遇)
  6. Fight for Ferlangen ファーランゲン町の戦闘    (watchtower / 見張り塔をめぐって)
  7. Enter not Athel Loren 禁断のアセルロレン森林    (river of death / 川シナリオ)


ROUND 1 : 第1ゲーム

  • Troll Country トロール郷    (pitched battle / 正面対策)     NAGAI x HOSHIOKA
  • Marshes of Madness 狂気の沼地    (battle for the pass / 峠道の戦い)     ICHIKAWA x MIKE
  • On Norscan Shores ノルスカの海岸    (meeting engagement / 接近遭遇)     MIYAO x ABE
  • Fight for Ferlangen ファーランゲン町の戦闘    (watchtower / 見張り塔をめぐって)     VLAD x YASUTAKE
  • Enter not Athel Loren 禁断のアセルロレン森林    (river of death / 川シナリオ)     YAS x BABA


So here we go with some of the first round highlights and of course massive photos (sorry!)....




  • On Norscan Shores ノルスカの海岸    (meeting engagement / 接近遭遇)     MIYAO x ABE


A slightly late start for this game gave Miyao-san some extra time to plan his strategy, and he chose to place his General Necromancer safe and sound in the watchtower. A strong charge by Abe-san's cold one knights was utterly ripped apart by banshees and mortis engine attacks, even before getting to fight!




  • Troll Country トロール郷    (pitched battle / 正面対策)     NAGAI x HOSHIOKA


The glorious Bretonnian charge of Nagai-san's freshly painted knights never actually took place, as the worst luck I've ever seen befell his opponent's Skaven in the very first turn.....




... firstly, a random troll appeared right next to his warmachine and promptly passed his Ld4 stupidity test, charging in and taking his cannon out of the game. Not to be outdone, his GreySeer general then miscast and blew himself and about 16 others out of the game! His large clanrat unit then fled the table! Can't really get much worse than that, can it?!




  • Enter not Athel Loren 禁断のアセルロレン森林    (river of death / 川シナリオ)     YAS x BABA


I watched the opening moments of this game, and was much amused by Yas-san's goblins, who misfired 3 out of 4 spear-chukkas on the first turn. Despite that, Yas-san cleverly positioned his large units and baited the trap for Baba-san's skaven....




... Baba-san's main Grey-seer combat unit charged across the open ground of the river ford into the flank of the goblin king's unit, only to be hit by 6 (!) spinning fanatics, practically annihilating the unit. Ouch.




  • Fight for Ferlangen ファーランゲン町の戦闘    (watchtower / 見張り塔をめぐって)     VLAD x YASUTAKE


Even the mighty bloodletters of Khorne couldn't winkle Vlad's high elves out of their watchtower, with only two daemon units finishing the game.




  • Marshes of Madness 狂気の沼地    (battle for the pass / 峠道の戦い)     ICHIKAWA x MIKE


The glorious moment every Bretonnian knight dreams of  - a massed cavalry charge into a monstrous beast. Mike used a clever combination of flaming banner to negate the regeneration save of this hydra, and heroic killing blow to decapitate it in one go! He then repeated the incredible feat with Ichikawa-san's second hydra later in the game!




ROUND 2 : 第2ゲーム

  • Troll Country トロール郷    (pitched battle / 正面対策)     BABA x MIYAO
  • Stirland in Summer スターランドの夏    (dawn attack / 暁の進軍)     HOSHIOKA x VLAD
  • Marshes of Madness 狂気の沼地    (battle for the pass / 峠道の戦い)     YAS x NAGAI
  • Grim Wood Falls グリム森の滝    (blood and glory / 流血と栄光)     YASUTAKE x MIKE
  • Fight for Ferlangen ファーランゲン町の戦闘    (watchtower / 見張り塔をめぐって)     ICHIKAWA x ABE

  • Stirland in Summer スターランドの夏    (dawn attack / 暁の進軍)     HOSHIOKA x VLAD


For, I think, the first time ever, Hoshioka-san's warpfire cannon actually hit something, killing almost two ranks of Phoenix Guard. Alas, his Skaven just couldn't catch Vlad's fast-moving high elves - no doubt playing their pipes as they led the rats around the village!




  • Fight for Ferlangen ファーランゲン町の戦闘    (watchtower / 見張り塔をめぐって)     ICHIKAWA x ABE


Abe-san's lizard's looked confidently across at the dark elves, both hoping to seize the tower. However, a too-lucky charge against the crossbowmen unit with his carnosaur and stegadon forced the unit to flee out of charge range, and the dark elves escaped!


阿部さんの運が強すぎた - ステガドンと恐竜はダークエルフに突撃できたが、そのユニットが恐慌チェックを失敗して安全に逃げました。


  • Grim Wood Falls グリム森の滝    (blood and glory / 流血と栄光)     YASUTAKE x MIKE


Peasants saved the day for Mike, as a second force of bloodletters magically appeared behind his noble knights.




  • Troll Country トロール郷    (pitched battle / 正面対策)     BABA x MIYAO


Regular opponents Miyao and Baba had a real grudgematch in the troll country scenario...




... and of course, the obligatory troll made an appearance behind Miyao-san's lines. This one, however, bit off more than he could chew!





ROUND 3 : 第3ゲーム

  • Stirland in Summer スターランドの夏    (dawn attack / 暁の進軍)     YASUTAKE x ABE
  • Marshes of Madness 狂気の沼地    (battle for the pass / 峠道の戦い)     HOSHIOKA x BABA
  • Grim Wood Falls グリム森の滝    (blood and glory / 流血と栄光)     ICHIKAWA x NAGAI
  • On Norscan Shores ノルスカの海岸    (meeting engagement / 接近遭遇)     YAS x MIKE
  • Enter not Athel Loren 禁断のアセルロレン森林    (river of death / 川シナリオ)     MIYAO x VLAD


  • Enter not Athel Loren 禁断のアセルロレン森林    (river of death / 川シナリオ)     MIYAO x VLAD


As we came in to the final round, we had 4 players with 2 wins each, so they were matched off against each other. First up was Vlad's High Elves against Miyao-san's undead....




....Miyao-san unfortunately failed to read the scenario victory conditions properly, and started to march his zombies away from one of the objectives! He managed to back them up again, but by then his necromancer had blown himself up with a miscast. One objective each, so Vlad won on victory points.




  • Stirland in Summer スターランドの夏    (dawn attack / 暁の進軍)     YASUTAKE x ABE


Abe-san's lizardmen narrowly lost this game against Yasutake-san's daemons, but his general on carnosaur performed brilliantly, killing 13 (?) bloodletters in a single turn.




  • On Norscan Shores ノルスカの海岸    (meeting engagement / 接近遭遇)     YAS x MIKE


The other winner vs winner game was between Yas-san's goblins and Mike's bretonnians. The goblins put up a spirited defence with screens of fanatics, but in the end were undone by a single destroyed spear-chukka. A knight unit charged and destroyed the spear-chukka, and the nearby goblin king's unit failed their panic check. They then failed their rally check and continued on, right in front of a large unit of peasant men-at-arms. Yas successfully blocked them from charging with a well-placed sacrificial shaman, but this damsel charged out of the unit and ran down all 50 goblins by herself! MVP award for her! 




  • Grim Wood Falls グリム森の滝    (blood and glory / 流血と栄光)     ICHIKAWA x NAGAI


In the other Bretonnian game, this beautiful unit of knights never got the chance to charge against the dark elves, who kept them at bay with clever use of the purple sun of xereus spell and massed shooting.




  • Marshes of Madness 狂気の沼地    (battle for the pass / 峠道の戦い)     HOSHIOKA x BABA


Another entertaining game was this skaven versus skaven matchup, between Bab-san and Hoshioka-san. At the end of the game, there was almost nothing left on the board.....




... and one of the highlights was definitely this monster mash! Very messy.





RESULTS : 大会結果

So after 15 games we had two players with 3 victories each, but Vlad picked up an extra point for having a fully painted army, and extra points for players' choice - meaning his high elves take home the Winner's Trophy, which, funnily enough, is also of a high elf!




Congratulations, VLAD!!


Winner - VLADさん
High Elves

First Place Trophy




Abe-san took home the last place trophy this year. Despite having a beautifully painted force, he had real problems with initiative checks against enemy magic. Better luck next time!




Last Place

Last Place Trophy


2013 Group

Thanks everyone, for coming along and taking part! Look forward to seeing you next year!



Next year:

  • We will be changing victory conditions (for scenarios using victory points) from 100VP difference to 400VP difference. Any result with a victory point difference of less than 400 will be considered a draw.


  • ビクトリーポイントをちょっと違う方法で計算されます。今年はたった100VP差で勝者を決まりましたが、来年から400VP以上の差がない場合には引き分けになります。


  • :
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