Warhammer Chariot Racing : チャリオット・レーシング
by David on 2014-07-03 (Thu) 15:30PMHere's a little mini-game that you can play with 2 or more chariot models - the more, the merrier! You'll need to mark out a rough track on a board, of at least 48" in length. Your track will need to be 6-10" wide in most places, to give the chariots some room to maneuvre. Add in some scattered obstacles such as fences, trees, barrels and boxes, and you're ready to go.
A very fast game, you'll be done in under 20 minutes. If you're lucky, one or more chariots might even survive the race! :)
The aim of the game is to reach the finish line first, of course, and although you can ram and smash into other chariots if you really want to (and who wouldn't?), it's not without its risks!!
Warhammer Chariot Racing Rules PDF >>
hoshioka 2014-07-11 (Fri) 21:42PM

跳ね鯉 2014-07-28 (Mon) 19:35PM

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