九州大会2015年 レポート : Tournament Report 2015
by David on 2015-05-09 (Sat) 9:49AMWe had a two-day gaming extravaganza this year, with 6 guests joining us on the Monday to play a variety of game systems - quite a few Warhammer games were played too, in preparation for the big day!
THE PLAYERS : 参加者のアーミー
Abe-san 阿部さん |
Ogres オウガ |
Baba-san 馬場さん |
Skaven スケイブン |
Liam リアムさん |
Dark Elves ダークエルフ |
Mike マイクさん |
Dwarfs ドワーフ |
Miyao-san 宮尾さん |
Wood Elves ウッドエルフ |
Ross ロスさん |
Tomb Kings トゥームキング |
Steve ながいさん |
Chaos (Tzeentch) ウォリア・オブ・ケイオス |
Vlad ヴラダさん |
High Elves ハイエルフ |
Yas やすさん |
Goblins ゴブリン |
Yasutake-san やすたけさん |
Daemons デーモン |
It was interesting to note that nobody this year brought a HARD level army, and we even had our very first SOFT level army - kudos to Yas for deliberately handicapping himself with a goblin-only army, and no sneaky leadership bumps!
THE TABLES : ゲームボード
- 1. Lustria ラストリア (pitched battle / 正面対策)
- 2. Grim Wood Falls グリム森の滝 (dawn attack / 暁の進軍)
- 3. Nuln ナルン市 (battle for the pass / 峠道の戦い)
- 4. Sylvania シルバニア (river of death / 川シナリオ)
- 5. Ulthuan ウルサーン (meeting engagement / 接近遭遇)
- 6. Conquered Kislev 元キスレヴ (watchtower / 見張り塔をめぐって)
This year's Winner's Trophy was the cool High Elf on Griffon model swooping down over some temple ruins. This was the last of those models, so next year's trophy will have to be something new...... suggestions in the comments, please!
Once again, building this year's Last Place Trophy was a lot of fun. Although it's a little difficult to make out in the photo, this vignette shows a defeated High Elf general blindfolded and ready to meet his death by firing squad. Fortunately for him, the "firing squad" in this case consists of greenskins, who manage to hit everything except him!
Last Placeのトロフィがまたコメディバージョンにしました。負けたハイエルフのジェネラルがゴブリンのアーチェリーターゲットになりましたが、下手なゴブリンたちが全部の射撃で外れました。
ROUND 1 : 第1ゲーム
- Lustria ラストリア (pitched battle / 正面対策) LIAM x YAS
- Grim Wood Falls グリム森の滝 (dawn attack / 暁の進軍) ROSS x MIKE
- Nuln ナルン市 (battle for the pass / 峠道の戦い) STEVE x MIYAO
- Sylvania シルバニア (river of death / 川シナリオ) VLAD x BABA
- Conquered Kislev 元キスレヴ (watchtower / 見張り塔をめぐって) ABE x YASUTAKE
Sorry - what with running around sorting out rules queries and organising lunch, I completely forgot to take any photos! Aaargh!!!!
After 5 great games, we had 4 winners and 4 losers (but not by much), and also two players who fought themselves to a draw over the cursed river crossing of Sylvania.
ごめん - ルール問題などで忙しすぎて、写真の撮影を完全に忘れてしまいました!
ROUND 2 : 第2ゲーム
- Grim Wood Falls グリム森の滝 (dawn attack / 暁の進軍) YAS x VLAD
- Nuln ナルン市 (battle for the pass / 峠道の戦い) LIAM x ROSS
- Sylvania シルバニア (river of death / 川シナリオ) MIKE x YASUTAKE
- Ulthuan ウルサーン (meeting engagement / 接近遭遇) STEVE x ABE
- Conquered Kislev 元キスレヴ (watchtower / 見張り塔をめぐって) MIYAO x BABA
- Nuln ナルン市 (battle for the pass / 峠道の戦い) LIAM x ROSS
After suddenly remembering the need to take some photos (thanks, Miyao-san!), I snapped this mid-game shot of Ross' Tomb Kings advancing on Liam's Dark Elves in the besieged city city of Nuln. Having suffered greatly at the hands of the dreaded Casket of Souls (which hit every unit in the dark elf army in a single turn!), the Dark Elves hit back hard, destroying the Warsphinx in a single round of combat - with corsairs!! The game ended in a draw.
ロスさんのカスケットが1ターンですべてのダークエルフユニットにダメージ与えました。怖い!ただし、ダークエルフの反撃も強かった - コルセアの突撃でウォースフィンクスが急に倒れた!引き分けになりました。
- Grim Wood Falls グリム森の滝 (dawn attack / 暁の進軍) YAS x VLAD
Yas' only strong combat unit, trolls, are doing what they do best in this picture...... wandering away from the big combat!! The sneaky little goblins were left to fight off the big High Elf monsters on their own, but were hampered by the size of their own units and unable to bring their superior numbers to bear.
- Sylvania シルバニア (river of death / 川シナリオ) MIKE x YASUTAKE
Here you can see the effect gyrocopter steam cannons have on massed units - the much reduced ranks of the plaguebearers were not enough to hold the river ford until the end of the game.
- Sylvania シルバニア (river of death / 川シナリオ) MIKE x YASUTAKE
However they were able to exact some measure of revenge with their flying Furies, which swept on over the heads of the Longbeards and into the crew of the flamecannon.
- Conquered Kislev 元キスレヴ (watchtower / 見張り塔をめぐって) MIYAO x BABA
Those tricksy wood elves managed to pick and choose their fights for most of the tournament, but in this matchup against Baba's Skaven were forced to fight head to head for control of the burnt-out watchtower. In the end it was a lowly giant eagle that won the game for the wood elves, holding up a huge block of clanrats in the final turn of the game and stopping them from seizing their objective!
- Ulthuan ウルサーン (meeting engagement / 接近遭遇) STEVE x ABE
Despite an early victory against their hated cousins the dragonogres, Abe-san's ogre army were outmatched against the cream of the chaos forces. When 10 chaos knights charged into a 6-strong block of ogre mournfang cavalry, the outcome was uncertain. Yet when the dust cleared, most of the ogre heavy cavalry lay dead at the feet of the unscathed chaos knights - who knew?!
最初の接近戦でドラゴンオウガが負けて逃げましたが、それからのウォリアとナイトでの接近戦でオウガが負けました。10対のケイオスナイト対6対のモーンファングでオウガが大負けになりました - ショックだ!
ROUND 3 : 第3ゲーム
- Lustria ラストリア (pitched battle / 正面対策) ABE x ROSS
- Grim Wood Falls グリム森の滝 (dawn attack / 暁の進軍) LIAM x BABA
- Nuln ナルン市 (battle for the pass / 峠道の戦い) VLAD x WHO
- Sylvania シルバニア (river of death / 川シナリオ) STEVE x YAS
- Ulthuan ウルサーン (meeting engagement / 接近遭遇) MIKE x MIYAO
- Grim Wood Falls グリム森の滝 (dawn attack / 暁の進軍) LIAM x BABA
I swear that I took photos of all the games, but it seems almost none of those pics from round 3 survived, so we are only left with this vicious fight between Baba's skaven and Liam's Dark Elves. A series of charge and countercharge combats in the middle of the field left Liam's Dark Elves dangerously depleted, but Baba's skaven were unable to move fast enough to make the most of the situation.
写真いっぱい撮ったと思ったが、出てこなかった。残念!この2枚の写真しかなかった - 馬場さんのスケイブンがだんだんダークエルフを倒したけど、メインユニットが接近戦に間に合わなかった。
The non-MVP of the match has to be this scary-looking Hellpit Abomination, which charged across the icy river, scuttled down the cliff path and charged into a single unit of regular Dark Elf crossbowmen - only to be cut down in two short rounds of combat. Oh well, nice try....
RESULTS : 大会結果
Congratulations to Mike, who defeated Miyao-san's wood elves in a real grudge match, and claimed a win by only 7 victory points!!!! A perfect 3 wins put him slightly ahead of Vlad and Yas, and gave him the trophy for 2015.
Commiserations to Abe-san, who won the coveted last-place trophy. I'm not sure why he looks so unhappy - competition for the loser's trophy is always a fiercely contested thing! :)
Thanks everyone, for coming along and taking part! Look forward to seeing you next year!
hoshioka 2015-05-10 (Sun) 8:11AM
nagai 2015-05-11 (Mon) 8:30AM
sera 2015-05-11 (Mon) 19:15PM
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