Vigilus Campaign Narrative
by Liam on 2019-05-13 (Mon) 17:13PMWelcome to the narrative index for our Vigilus Campaign!
Based on Games Workshop's narrative as found in the Books Vigilus Defiant and Vigilus Ablaze, I have done my own spin on the events to better represent the factions the players at our club are using.
Expect some wildly different paths to the narrative established by Games Workshop and some memorable characters that have already captured the hearts of our players.
Witness the story grow as our campaign develops!
I hope you enjoy the adventure!
Chapter 1
The stories linked herein are the property of Liam Exelby, author and editor. Copyright of the Warhammer 40000 intellectual property belongs wholely to Games Workshop.
Twitter: @LiamExelby
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Mark 2019-05-15 (Wed) 21:08PM

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