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どこでゲームをしますか? Where do you meet?

by David on 2011-12-22 (Thu) 09:21AM




  • 北九州市門司区西新町 1-6-8
  • TEL: 093-981-1425






199号線を進んでください。左手にパチンコ屋ラスベガス、右手にポプラのある角を左に曲がって下さい。この道に沿っていくと3号線にぶつかる信号があります。そこもまっすぐに進むと左手に「焼肉 KAI」があります。「焼肉 KAI」のある角を右に曲がるとすぐに右手に大きな茶色の建物があります。そこの2階です。

3号線を進んで手向山公園トンネル通り抜け、そこから4番目の信号(トンネルより2分)を藤松(山の方)の方へ曲がってください。3番目の交差点の左手に「焼肉 KAI」を見つけることができます。その交差点を右に曲がるとすぐ右手に大きな茶色の建物を見つけることができます。そこの2階です。








We wargame at a player's house in Moji, Kitakyushu (please see below for details). When there are only a handful of us, we tend to play up in 'The Dungeon' (loft gaming room), which is a superbly atmospheric medieval castle!!


The house (pictured above) is reasonably convenient. Unfortunately located halfway in between Moji and Kokura stations, it's not ideal for train. But it IS on the major Kokura ~ Moji bus route, and the closest stop is only 4-5 minutes walk. Best is to catch a train to JR Kokura, walk 3 minutes from the station (south, along the monorail track until the next major junction), and catch a bus from there. Bus stops are on the major road running perpendicular to the monorail either to the right of the junction (1min), or to the left (2 min). Either will do.



  • Kitakyushu city, Moji-ku, Nishishinmachi 1-6-8
  • TEL: 093-981-1425


If travelling by bus:
Buses 6, 49, 70, 73, 75, 83 and 94 all stop within a three minute walk - get off at Torigoe (鳥越) or Shinmachi (新町).

If travelling east from Kokura:

From Route 199, turn left at the Las Vegas pachinko/Poplar convenience store, and follow the road up and around. At the next traffic lights (intersecting Route 3), go straight ahead towards the mountains. Take the third road on the right, opposite the grey yakiniku restaurant KAI. We are on the right-hand side, in the large brown building with a large white-shuttered garage. Topmost intercom.

From Route 3, you should pass through the Tamukeyama Park tunnel. Turn right at the fourth set of traffic lights (approx 1-2 minutes after the tunnel) towards Fujimatsu, and go straight up towards the mountains. Take the third road on the right, opposite the grey yakiniku restaurant KAI. We are on the right-hand side, in the large brown building with a large white-shuttered garage. Topmost intercom.


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🔰 初めての方はこちら

◉ P/19 : Pump Station E



CAM: P/19