プレイリポート 2008/4/27 : Kislev Battle Report
by Makoto & David on 2008-04-28 (Mon) 12:43PM
Davidさんの雪景色ボードに合わせてKISLEVを購入しようとしましたが、なんとクラシックと共にオンライン・ショップの店頭から消え失せていました、あわててWEBで検索してカナダのホビーショップに残っていたものを購入、足りない物はエンパイアのフィギュアを流用して1000p分をでっち上げました。 Only three turned up to test out the new snow board (see right), and Makoto celebrated the occasion by showing off his brand-new Kislev force. We played three games; number one was a small 500 pt training battle to get the feel for the newcomer force, second game was a Skirmish scenario "Silence the Watchtower", and lastly was a three-way battle played without Wizards. バトル #1 - Kislev vs Goblins初戦はDavidさんのナイトゴブリンとの500p戦、ダウンロードした英語のアーミーブックを片手にスペシャル・ルールを確認しながらの手探り状態、Davidさんのゴブリンたちが進軍するなか、とにかく歩兵をチャリオットから守るために丘にあげてゲーム終盤までひたすら待機、騎兵は前進した後戦略的撤退、すでに戦場はDavidさんの行軍演習の場と化していました (笑い) 最終ラウンドに右翼のウィングド・ランサーがウルフライダーに突撃するも狼乗りはその羽音を恐れ敗走、これを討ちきれません。 一方左翼のホース・アーチャーと丘の上の歩兵がチャリオットを迎え撃ちますが射撃で削りきれずチャリオットの突撃を受けてホース・アーチャーが蹂躙され敗走追撃され消えてしまいます。 待ちの戦法でタイミングを読むのは難しいですね、というか部隊を動かせよ自分 (笑い) Hurriedly forming ranks in the early morning, the Kislevites stared across the glistening white plains, freshly blanketed by the first snow of the season. The breathtaking effect was somewhat spoiled by the raucous cries of a goblin warband who had been sighted, or rather heard, from far across the plains earlier that morning. As the goblins drew closer a pack of wolfriders became clearly visible, loping quickly across the snow. Although outnumbered two to one by the wolfriders, the Winged Lancers showed no consternation, and laughed to each other as they jabbed their lances at imaginary foes. The wolves would die, and the goblins clinging to their flee-ridden fur would not tip the odds. The Boyar threw out his hand, and the five horse archers trotted off to the left flank. They had been recruited only last night at the village's drinking hall, and seemed not to have suffered from the huge amount of vokka they'd consumed. The eleven Kossars tucked their great axes into their belts, and started stringing their bows. They had sighted two stinking trolls shambling along behind the goblin horde, and the Boyar could not blame them for wanting to stack the odds in their favour. They slowly stepped backward over the frosty ground, seeking the better view afforded by the high mounds left by last night's snow storm. At last the goblin rabble advanced within bow range, and the shafts shot skyward. A small cheer rang out as crew toppled from the goblin chariot, but their Boyar quietly noted that their marksmanship would require considerable training back at camp later that day. The goblins seemed to be grouping their forces, and advancing as one solid wall of spears and drooling jaws. The horse archers bravely advanced to the center of the killing ground, obviously hoping to draw the goblin flank aside. The goblin boss grunted to his trolls, and foolishly obliged. Hah, the Lancers saw their chance and spurred their mounts forwards, snow flying from their hooves. To their chagrin, the cowardly wolves turned tail at the terrifying whistling from the Lancers' winged back banners, and fled before even a drop of their blood could be spilled. The goblin boss had survived the storm of arrows and successfully charged his chariot into the horse archers, but even with this small victory the heart seemed to have left the goblin forces. Such abject cowardice from the wolfriders, who even now could be seen fleeing into the bare woods, stirred nothing but contempt with the Kislev Boyar. He would march his jubilant archers back to camp and have them train until their fingers bled. At first light they would march out to track the goblin raiders once more, and finish what they had started... NOTES: Battle was not met until the sixth and final turn of this game, as Makoto was unsure of his troop's strengths and weaknesses. The archers did indeed perform fairly poorly, but mostly due to a lack of targets. After all, with a charge of 18" for wolves, the archers could only be sure of one good volley. His Lancers waited patiently for the charge, and eventually panicked the wolfriders with their infamous 'whistling feathers'. Pity we didn't get to see them fight though! バトル#2 - "Silence the Watchtower" Skirmish Scenario第二戦はスカーミッシュの見張り台を守れのシナリオ、Steveさんのハイエルフが守る塔をDavidさんのゴブリンアーチャー&スピアマンと、オーク初体験の自分とで攻めます。 左翼のゴブリンが戦果を挙げる中、右翼オークは次々と討ち取られ負け目前、やっと奮起したオークがハイエルフを倒し始めますが時遅く、塔の上の三人のハイエルフを攻めきれずSteveさんの勝利でした。 A lone watchtower manned by a handful of high elves was attacked by 20 goblins and 15 orcs. The game lasted 6 turns, with the winner being the player controlling the tower top on the final turn. Although horribly outnumbered by the greenskins, the high elves fought bravely - aided by their strike first rule. The orc champion gained access to the tower, but the rest of his force were blocked by the superelven efforts of a lone spearmen at the foot of the tower. All the while, the elves dispatched foe after foe - bringing them slowly closer to the 9-casualty body count, which would force rout tests in the orc attackers. But eventually it came down to the final 6th turn, when the three elf defenders in the tower top managed to struggle to their feet and throw back the orc champion. The beacon blazed brightly across the snowy valley, and the game was won! バトル#3 - Three-way battle; Kislev vs High Elf vs Wood Elves第三戦は三つ巴の500p戦、Steveさんハイエルフ、Davidさんウッドエルフ、対KISLEVでした、射撃、騎兵、歩兵とバランスの取れた編成どうしの対戦となりました。 大乱戦になり右翼の対ハイエルフではやっとヒーロー合流のウィングド・ランサーが活躍しました、ハイエルフのファストキャバレリーとアーチャーを下すものの、スピアマンが踏みとどまり膠着状態のまま終戦。 一方左翼のホース・アーチャーはDavidさんのドライアドに突撃され敗走、士気チェックに成功することなく盤外へ、残った歩兵が逆襲の突撃を慣行するも反撃を受けて敗走、こちらも結局士気チェックに失敗して盤外へと去ってしまいます。 アーチャーとファストキャバレリーをハイエルフのボルトスロアーとスピアマンに削られたものの、結局戦場中央の拠点をドライアドで確保したDavidさんが勝利しました。 「いや、私が拠点をゲットできたがそれだけでした!多分VPを考えたらSteveさんがちょっと勝利したかも!だけど7ターンにもしたらMAKOTOさんが絶対勝利するはずだ。 - Davidの一言」 まさに死力を尽くした戦いっぽくて面白かったです。 Sorry, no photos of this fast game. Nobody had magic users, and the forces were fairly well balanced. Each had a good mix of shock troops and archers, although the high elves gained the edge with their bolt-thrower. No clear winner in this game, even though the dryads took the objective in the table center. The rest of the wood elves had been slain, whereas fully half the high elf force was still in play. The Kislev Lancer cavalry has gained the charge against an equal number of elven SilverHelms, and flattened them convincingly. But the dryads had scared off the other kislevite archers and horse archers. Each army had a good and bad unit, although the High Elves probably would have won had the bloodsoaked Winged Lancers not rolled so high for a pursuit roll and crashed into the flank of their spearmen unit. Great, fast game! |